Awards 2024

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Dates and Venue

13 Nov 2024 | London

13 Nov 2024 | London

2021 Winners

Some amazing achievements in learning technologies were celebrated on 17 November 2021 at the glittering gala ceremony held at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel in London, UK.

We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to the eLearning Network for organising the judging, and to our band of 60 independent judges.

Best Learning Technologies Project - Commercial Sector


MetLife Distribution Academy and NIIT

The initiative at MetLife helped to drive change literally around the globe making a difference to both bottom line retention of staff and the revenue numbers essential for business success. This award is all about celebrating the positive impact that learning technologies can have not only on individuals but on the teams and organisations that they belong to and the 2021 winner demonstrated this in spades.



The STAR management programme is one of those projects that feels almost too good to be true! We were very impressed with how the programme introduced an innovative blended learning format to tackle a soft skill that has traditionally been delivered face-to-face. It was very refreshing to see a project that put people objectives on par with commercial objectives.


SAS Software

The creativity and ingenuity that this project demonstrated, to adapt a wide range of existing technologies and then to use them in a new seamless experience was excellent. We were also impressed with the ability to help those that have completed their upskilling to find new roles, so there is a true end to end experience that users of the programme have. 

Best Learning Technologies Project - Public & Non-profit Sector


 BT and The Football Association

An outstanding project that met every criterion for this award - from the creative and design phase, through stakeholder engagement and marketing through to impact.  A small in house team show what's possible with clarity of purpose, deep partnership and stakeholder engagement and love for what they do.  They continue to engage diverse communities through accessible and engaging learning.


Idea Foundation

Creating technologists of the future on a platform that exemplifies the very skills they will need -  great UX, understanding of their audience, engagement and high quality design. Their reach in a relatively short time period is incredibly impressive, not just geographically but into a wide variety of sectors and demographics.


State of California and Arist

A superb example of using, simple. reliable and accessible technology to reach the maximum number of people with life saving training.  Through utilising text messages and bite size content, content is deployed at incredible speed directly to the audiences that need it.  Quick to develop, deploy, adapt and translate, this is a blueprint for other critical learning projects.  

Excellence in the Design of Learning Content - Commercial Sector


Rituals and TinQwise

The judges felt this really nailed it. They loved how closely TinQwise linked their design principles to company values and stayed true to them,and thought through ways to drive learners back to the platform to keep engagement high. The usage stats are outstanding and the KPI's increasing. A product to be proud of.


Flow Learning

Outstanding submission - hit all criteria. Really clean UX. Very good use of interactivity, both in Evolve and in bespoke games.  It looked great, and we loved that they tapped into their networks to find out what the needs were and addressed them quickly. 


Lloyds Banking Group and Limehouse

Very strong and engaging submission. We loved the storytelling aspect and high-end visuals. Very slick and looks to have had a great impact. Really impressed that they researched the sort of things that they watched at home. Amazing to have delivered it on Windows 7. 

Excellence in the Design of Learning Content - Public & Non-profit Sector


BT and The Football Association

BT and the Football Association presented a case study in excellence in digital learning. The solution showcases a masterful integration of learning and communications strategies, leaving no stone unturned in its quest to attract and educate their audience and ultimately impact their behaviour. Featuring best-in-class learning design and outstanding execution, it’s a truly amazing achievement on a limited budget and a fantastic example of learning that engages a broad and diverse audience to make a positive difference in their communities. 


UN World Food Programme

The UN World Food Programme’s induction for emergency response blew the judges away with its solution to a problem that doesn’t easily lend itself to effective digital learning. It’s a learning experience in the truest sense of the word, and through careful planning, intelligent design and skilful delivery it succeeds in building skill and rapport across countries and cultures. A worthy Silver Award Winner and an example to follow for synchronous digital learning.


Leonard Cheshire and LAS

Leonard Cheshire and LAS are in a league of their own in terms of what they have achieved within the constraints that they had. Working with a vulnerable audience, this solution has created champions out of their learners through co-creation, simple but effective learning design, and attention to accessibility that sets a new standard for the industry. A worthy Bronze Winner in this category.

Best Use of Mobile Learning


L'Oréal Travel Retail and Growth Engineering

This brought to life L'Oreal's use of Growth Engineering’s mobile app and associated ecosystem. Impressive usage data, and  evidence of impact really made this entry stand out. Supporting retail workers through the pandemic period (making learning more accessible), creating a true community of learning (capitalising on the intimate relationship people have with their mobile devices) and delivering significant business impact all make this a clear winner in this category.


Herbalife and Intuition Publishing

Another great use of mobile devices to keep a global audience of direct sales representatives up to date on new products and services. The fact this directly addressed a business problem and provided solid evidence of results placed this submission highly. Of particular merit was the rationale behind using mobile as the best platform to achieve the outcomes. The richness of metrics and data being gathered and used to measure business impact and inform future decision-making further strengthened the value of the solution. A worthy winner of the Silver award.


Make Real and Vodafone 

A successful learning game that targeted employees globally on encouraging safe driving behaviours. Good evidence of uptake, usage and game completions that should play out in improved driving safety (though it’s too early to measure the impact directly). The objectives for the game are worthy and if it ends up saving even a single life – that would be award enough. A clear winner of the bronze award in this category.

Best Use of Social and Collaborative Learning Technologies


Hive Learning and Legal & General

The judges were very impressed with a clear vision and strategy for what the L&G team wanted to achieve, that was well in vision prior to the pandemic, but accelerated as a result of it.  They were especially impressed with the learning design and how this was adapted as the programme launched, and a clear engagement campaign.  Their focus on data and insight helped shape something which really seemed to resonate with the audience.


Lowell Financial Group and Thinking Focus

The judges were impressed by the entry, as it showcased how social and collaborative learning could be nurtured with simple technologies and not require a massive budget.  The submission has clearly impacted the business positively and impressed Thinking Focus, and whilst mandated, was a longer term talking point than traditional mandatory content so much so that it is being used as a template for further development within the business going forward.  It was clear that the team were really proud and passionate about what they developed and achieved.

Best Technology-Based Onboarding Programme


Deloitte and Solvd Together

The judges were impressed by the very
obvious intent of this programme to support, develop and look after new graduates into Deloitte. There was a strong sense of ‘looking after’ new hires, and not just a pure commercial focus. The programme objectives
were clearly aligned to the business goals and the blend of online and offline activity was obviously extremely well thought out.


Essex County Council

What impressed the judges most about this submission was the intent, desire and honesty regarding the programme from the presenters. It is a detailed, well thought out programme, that has the potential to continue to strengthen and impress as the years progress.


Digital Chefs and Jumbo Supermarkten

This is a very enthusiastic and energetic
programme for new starts to be exposed to and seems like so much fun to be involved in. It also seemed like a noble project to engage individuals in what can often be considered to be a side career.

Most Innovative New Learning Technologies Product



Arist have chosen to deliver learning through a medium that other learning technologies companies often choose to ignore. In doing so they have created an excellent cross-platform tool that whilst simple; challenges the industry to rethink how people really learn through technology. There is an impressive focus on design benefits and end user needs, whilst also supporting clients in the adoption and learning design of what will be quite a different paradigm of learning for many. There is nothing quite like this in the industry, which is why it is our top choice for most innovative new learning technology this year.



Virtual patient simulations are highly complex to design and build. Subsequently vendors often seek to dumb-down the complexities of patient care - this is not so here. Edocate very cleverly manage the complexity and detail in both the presentation of the learning experience and in the handling of the content and data. Multiple patient conditions can be overlaid on each other, as they are in the real world and the simulated patients don’t always do what you recommend they do! There was compelling evidence for it’s impact as both a teaching aid and a standalone learning experience. A very impressive product.


Saffron Interactive 

We all know that coaching works - the problem is how to scale it? Often the reserve of those higher up the pay scales; it was refreshing to see this coaching product aimed at those further down who will perhaps benefit from it more. The judges liked that platform used existing technologies for sentiment and audio analysis, whilst adding the ‘human’ touch of automated video avatars of coach / guides to help you find a new career. It was very clever how the system can identify people who need more help and connect them to a real human coach for further support. Well designed and executed. 

Best Learning Game


Kaplan, Lloyds Banking Group and Interpretive

The judges felt that this entry provided a holistic solution with the use of numerous modalities, putting a serious game at the heart of a programme that clearly engaged and enabled the learners. They took the challenges of suddenly having to work virtually and created a stronger solution than had existed before with better results for the learners and the business.  A worthy winner.   


Digital Chefs and Jumbo Supermarkten

The judges felt that the combined team of client and supplier had delivered a game that successfully conveyed the culture of fun at Jumbo. The judges were impressed with the increase in uptake of the learning through the organisation and the increased confidence instilled in learners. Better data on performance impact would have made it score even higher.  


Save the Children Humanitarian Leadership Academy, Preloaded and World Vision

The judges liked the clear links between the learning outcomes and the impressively detailed competency framework. The team had managed a large and diverse group of stakeholders during production which had obviously contributed a depth and authenticity in the scenarios. The felt that the game showed originality and complexity in design giving it a rich and varied player/learner experience. Better data on performance impact would have made it score even higher.  

Best Use of Simulations or Virtual Environments for Learning 


Northern Care Alliance NHS Group

This brilliant project was developed in response to the urgency of the Covid-19 pandemic. Everyone was involved in establishing what was required, irrespective of grade, and everyone had a voice, giving feedback for improvements.  The resulting training drills on a simulated dummy patient were tested and implemented immediately, giving staff confidence that patients and staff were kept safe during the crisis as everyone followed tested and approved procedures. The process of involving all staff caring for covid patients, and having their suggestions implemented into the training was so successful it is now embedded in subsequent training development.


Rapiscan Systems

This was an excellent use of a new technical VR simulation for a safety critical environment, affecting both learners and the travelling public. Careful Training Needs Analysis and development of learning objectives were used to build the training for each task required in the role.  The key advantage was the ability to illustrate where safety precautions were essential for learners as it could visibly show the danger points during adjustment, maintenance and fault finding from invisible radiation. Positive learner feedback also described an increase in confidence.



This submission had a variety of innovative ideas which proved successful with the learners. Hotel housekeeping is not the most popular discipline to choose within the leisure and hospitality sectors, so to hear delighted students describing their experience using this simulation was impressive. The programme was integrated into practical sessions and is full of memorable surprises for learners, such as using real managers from real hotels within the simulation. This was a well-deserved Award.

Best Online Distance Learning Programme 


Holland & Barrett

A fantastically well thought out and impressive learning programme from a great team delivering impressive results. This programme promises to mark a new dawn for online learning in Holland & Barrett. The panel was particularly impressed by the team’s attitude to and support of their global audience, planning and delivering materials in multiple languages and considering the differences between the cultures and medical requirements in the different territories where the learners are known to live and work.



A comprehensive submission and presentation for this innovative and sophisticated programme that gives opportunities to participants through hands-on experience in the field of data analytics. The programme delivers excellent support for its learners, building important capabilities and skills for the future.


Ufi VocTech Trust

A superb response to the challenges introduced by COVID-19, leveraging the benefits of a wide range of learning delivery methods and empowering learners to drive their own learning agenda, while maintaining the personal connections of a collective learning experience.

Best Use of Blended Learning - Commercial Sector


MetLife Distribution Academy and NIIT

A stand out presentation, filled with insight on the strategy, the content, the structure, platform features, usage, and impact. Panel particulary liked the digital currency, the impact of the managers within the training. The panel would suggest that his written submission would benefit from highlighting the key messages of the submission coupled with impact data to reflect the strengthen of the f2f presentation.


Lloyd's Register and TalenTeam

Thought the presentation was well thought out and practised. Found the answers to the questions insightful. Having the participant videos added richness to the presentation. 



A very welll thought out presentation, filled with interesting data, feedback, videos, etc. The panel enjoyed listening to the journey that the team had gone on to create the learning experience. The panel were very impressed with the hands on practice for the learners.

Best Use of Blended Learning - Public & Non-profit Sector


Scottish Enterprise, Mind Tools for Business and Giraffe Consulting

A well-designed and thought out redesign of existing programme.  The very personalised learning journey and good blend of appropriate media made this submission stand out.  Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive and the programme created significant time and cost savings that could be reinvested into public funds.  The programme redesign has also created a sustainable model that can be replicated for other topic areas to support businesses.


Teach First

An existing programme that transitioned to a blended approach without compromising effectiveness.  A combination of digital tools was used to replicate a very practical face-to-face learning experience with comparable success, while increasing the flexibility and accessibility of the programme.  The feedback from trainees about their learning experience is positive and the blended model provides a sustainable framework for much of the programme moving forward.



A well-designed and well-planned programme delivered effectively in the face of significant constraints. Despite tight timelines thorough research was carried out into the characteristics and needs of the audience and the content was appropriate and effective as a result.  Feedback on the course is positive from both participants and stakeholders and police forces are beginning transform their learning delivery as a direct result of the programme.

Best Learning Platform Implementation


Rituals and TinQwise

The judges loved the way in which this project became integral to the very heartbeat of the business, resulting in a beautiful product that not only engaged colleagues in a busy retail environment but had a direct and hugely positive impact on its customers experience of the brand.


Ericsson and Degreed

This entry demonstrated what’s possible when a forward thinking team with clear priorities for organisational learning partners with a platform provider in a truly collaborative way. Challenging each other to improve the overall outcomes for the project, the organisation and it’s employees with clear measures of success in areas including critical skills plans, compliance and engagement in learning.


Hymans Robertson

This project saw the team take on the task of transforming the way in which their colleagues across the organisation consumed and shared learning, overcoming with huge success the risk normally associated with such a transformation in a heavily regulated environment. This is undoubtedly a project with huge potential for the future of this organisations learning.

Best Use of Learning Data Analytics to Impact Learner and Business Performance


Ufi VocTech Trust

The panel were impressed by the significant positive impact that the project had on learners and business performance. The personalised learning journeys, combined with effective measurement aligned to clear objectives led to a demonstrably effective learning intervention. This entry scored well against all criteria and is a worthy gold winner.



This entry demonstrated a very clear and positive impact on the learner in a large-scale learning deployment. There was effective use of data and analytics and clear evidence that the programme led to actionable insights that informed at least some business decisions. The presenters mentioned the importance of management coaching and of a link to employee retention: the entry would have scored higher if they had used data to support their argument here. Still, this was a thoroughly deserved silver.


Holland & Barrett

The judges liked that this entry began with a strong focus on business outcomes, and then used data effectively to link learning outcomes to business success. In some cases – partly due to COVID-related disruption – it didn’t seem possible to make this link. The panel felt that we didn’t see enough evidence of the use of learner analytics to balance the strong focus on business outcomes: if this had been shown, it would have helped overcome some of the shortcomings of the business data and would have led to a higher score for this entry. However, the panel have no hesitation in awarding the bronze to this entry.

Best Digital Learning Transformation Programme Implemented in Response to COVID-19


Teach First

Teach First could have just ridden the storm, but really went for it. This wasn't simply an acceleration of existing business continuity plans. It was a hugely complex, multi-partner, multi-system learning transformation making sure over 1600 teachers were ready to serve schools in disadavantaged communities by September. 


Imperial College Business School    

An impressive and innovative programme that recognised the potential impact of Covid on in-person learning at Imperial College. In 10 days the team defined and started to execute on a 'Stabilize-Enhance-Innovate' strategy that enabled students to continue their studies through effective training and multi-model online/in-person lectures. 


BPP Professional Education Group    

A slick acceleration from in-person to digital training effectively at scale. The BPP team transitioned their entire portfolio online in a strategic and holistic way which included a strong focus on wellbeing, accessibility, learner experience, support and lasting impact. 

Learning Technologies Team of the Year


Health Education and Improvement Wales 

A worthy team who managed to create and deliver a vast amount of very useful content in some of the hardest times of Covid19. A superb technology integration delivered over a short timeframe and proved a valuable resource.


Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service

A small team working both to deliver great technical content to the Fire Service at the same time as being on the front line at short notice to capture events as they happened for real. Such a small team with a huge responsibility and providing exciting and engaging content together.



From our shortlist the biggest team with a very deep and sizable team structure.  Some interesting projects and clearly good statistics  and impact measures.

Learning Organisation of the Year



This is an excellent example of a small learning organisation leading the way in our industry. LAS has a clear purpose, lives by its values and is making the world a better place through its UK and global projects. This was exemplified by the awarding of B Corp certification, given to ‘top performers in contributing to the economic and social well-being of the communities in which they operate. Through their exemplary practices and policies directed at community impact, they're building a shared and sustainable prosperity for all.’ LAS partners with its clients to produce great solutions and is more interested in them winning awards than promoting themselves, but the judges felt now is the time for everyone to be made aware of their own outstanding achievements.



With its motto Learning has no boundaries, this global learning organisation focuses on transformative business alignment through L&D and was able to demonstrate to the judges how it is making a real impact on the organisations it works with around the world. It is able to save them time and money, improve learning/training efficiency, develop talent and offer great customer service. It has partnered with a global HR academy to conduct research and also works with underserved communities through its foundation to build digital literacy, engaging 100,000 youths every year. The judges were impressed by the scale of what this learning organisation has achieved during the 40 years since it was established.



This organisation recently won a Queen’s Award for Enterprise for International Trade and the judges felt they were deserving of an award in this category, too. Delivering successful learning solutions is part of their success, evidenced by great client testimonials and the company has grown fast during the pandemic, with some 2.5M learners now using their bespoke content. The judges were also impressed by the effort the founder is putting into developing a culture of trust, transparency and drive, leading to passionate employees. He is also developing a professional pathway into the industry and using this to recruit graduates through a graduate scheme into the organisation, as well as publishing thought papers to the wider industry.

Learning Designer of the Year


Gemma Towersey - Mind Tools for Business

Gemma is tremendously perceptive and articulate when diagnosing client and learner needs. Her work is appealing and professional and she credibly explains the pedagogical concepts informing her work. The judges especially liked extensive client feedback showing how pleased with results they were and how she had challenged and coached both clients and her team to deliver excellence. She has demonstrated a variety of impactful solutions that show clear thinking and strong design across several industry sectors.  


Stefan Eger - Learning Pool

A learning designer who has made a difference on many projects with different learning blends tailored to learner needs. Throughout this he has generated great rapport with clients and colleagues alike – and is held in high esteem by both. A credit to our industry.


Catherine Nicholson - The Virtual Training Team

Whilst Covid has caused a lot of learning to move from face to face into virtual classroom, Catherine has successfully reimagined learning to make the best of the medium – so much more than a copy and paste. In her projects, she has shown a great sensitivity to contexts and constraints. The judges were impressed by her proactivity and willingness to share tips to make the virtual classroom experience better.

Learning Developer of the Year


Ronnie Wilson-Miller - Learning Pool

Strong across the board, we were impressed by both the quality of work and the length of time over which Ronnie has been consistently been producing work to this standard.  In this application the Sky development and the bespoke development for Home Group particularly stood out.


Megan A. Yawor - Rapid7

Very strong portfolio and a very enjoyable submission, with an excellent range of high quality developments.  As her project list grows we could be looking at a future GOLD winner.


Gareth Compton - South Eastern Regional College

An excellent submission with a good range of  developments.  Very interesting use of PowerBI and Teams.  We will be interested to see how this progresses in the future.

Learning Technologies Sponsors

Learning Technologies Partners