London UK 2025

Dates and Venue

23 - 24 April 2025 | ExCeL London

23 - 24 April 2025 | ExCeL London

Opening address - What on earth will people do next? Understanding human behaviour now and in the future.


Opening address - What on earth will people do next? Understanding human behaviour now and in the future.

Thursday 18 April 2024
Conference Theatre 1

In a changing world, the importance of learning becomes increasingly pivotal. This provocative but engaging keynote explores the transformative power of learning in an era of digitalisation and global crises. It delves into how individuals and organisations can effectively adapt to future challenges, discussing strategies for dealing with the 'polycrisis', embracing new ways of working, and nurturing trust while responsibly addressing global issues like environmental sustainability.

This talk also examines the future of work and its implications on life and learning. It addresses how flexible, remote, and hybrid work models, along with emerging technologies, are reshaping the learning landscape. The session focuses on the integration of these developments into effective learning strategies that cater to the needs of a diverse, multi-generational workforce. Additionally, it highlights the role of learning in balancing mental well-being and professional growth, emphasising the need for empathy and emotional intelligence.

This keynote will make you think, but it will also make you feel, and leave you with a sense of how learning can be a catalyst for positive change in both your professional and your personal life, in a future where the distinction between them is increasingly blurred.

Thimon de Jong, Keynote Speaker, Author & Founder - WHETSTON

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