London UK 2025

Dates and Venue

23 - 24 April 2025 | ExCeL London

23 - 24 April 2025 | ExCeL London

T3S5 - Learning leadership


T3S5 - Learning leadership

Thursday 18 April 2024
Conference Theatre 3
Programme implementation , AI, data and analytics , Future L&D
Strategic learning leadership today means taking a radically new approach to what was once the Training Department. With skills now a crucial part of the corporate agenda, L&D now needs a new operational model and new outputs. The L&D of the future will be focused more on data and integration with the business, and will be less concerned with creating content and more with sharing knowledge. It’s a different future.

Evolving L&D: Redesigning your L&D operational model 

If you’re running an L&D department, you’ll know that things are different today. The buzz is all around AI and skills, while the business still wants its compliance training delivered and courses created to meet performance needs (often without checking if a course is the right answer). 

It’s time for a new way of running L&D – a new operating model.

In this session, two experienced Chief Learning Officers will discuss how they are challenging the orthodoxy of training delivery. What does it take to do things in a new way? What is different in this new operating model and what do we stop doing? Is the business open to the idea of change, and are all L&D practitioners ready for a new way of doing things?

  • What it takes to lead change in L&D
  • Is everyone in L&D ready for change?
  • The new roles needed in the department 
  • Building links with the rest of the business 
  • Moving beyond ROI to business impact 
Donald H Taylor, Chair - Learning Technologies
Heather Stefanski, Chief Learning and Talent Officer - McKinsey & Company
Chara Balasubramaniam, Vice President for Future Skills & Learning - BP

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