Competence, not Confidence: How Coaching Empowers Women in Leadership within a Biased World.
Thursday 18 April 2024
Seminar Theatre 4
In this thought-provoking session, we'll explore:
- How to reframe the narrative: Instead of asking why there are so few women in leadership, let's question why there are so many men. We will unveil the underlying biases hindering progress in gender equality.
- Creating Awareness: We'll uncover how educating both men and women about existing biases lays the foundation for meaningful leadership change.
- Navigating Male-Dominated Work Environments: In a world where male-dominated workplaces prevail, learning effective strategies is paramount. Gain insights into navigating these environments with grace.
- Real-Life Stories of Women: Hear inspiring stories from women who have thrived from coaching. These anecdotes provide invaluable insights into the tangible benefits of coaching.