London UK 2025

Dates and Venue

23 - 24 April 2025 | ExCeL London

23 - 24 April 2025 | ExCeL London

Impact by Design: Decoding the Learning Designer’s Considerations


Impact by Design: Decoding the Learning Designer’s Considerations

Wednesday 17 April 2024
Seminar Theatre 11

In the landscape of corporate learning, the role of a Learning Designer goes beyond creating “educational” content; it becomes more about crafting impactful learning experiences that change behaviours and deliver measurable outcomes.


According to a recent Watershed survey, ~99% of business leaders would like to measure Business Impact. However, a measly 14% of organizations even claim to measure learning outcomes, impact, and success regularly. This session seeks to replace the 'fingers-crossed' approach to impact with tangible learning science-backed methods to move the needle.


In my role as a learning designer, I’ve come to see impact as more of a continuum than a definite point. This interactive session will provide you with easy-to-understand insights on:

  • Discerning where an organization falls on the Impact Measurement Continuum and working your way up from there.
  • Navigating the complexities and challenges faced by Learning Designers.
  • Real-life examples that illustrate the role of learning science in setting and achieving meaningful outcomes.

Small steps that will lead to a big impact.

Vidya Rajagopal, Senior Manager & Head of Instructional Design - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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