London UK 2025

Dates and Venue

23 - 24 April 2025 | ExCeL London

23 - 24 April 2025 | ExCeL London

How and Why Aligning your Customer and Employee Experience is Crucial for Learner Engagement


How and Why Aligning your Customer and Employee Experience is Crucial for Learner Engagement

Thursday 18 April 2024
Bitesize Learning Zone 2

Want more engaged learners? Then this is the session for you. 

74% of employees would leave their jobs for better learning and development opportunities (LinkedIn Learning). 

This means we need to bring our A-Game and ditch the one-size-fits-all approach. 

In this session, we'll explore why aligning your employee and customer experience is crucial for maximum engagement, and how you can personalise and deliver consumer-grade experiences across your learning journeys and beyond. You'll also walk away with actionable takeaways and resources to implement these changes in your own organisation. 

Suzi Archer, Staff Director - Huler

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