London UK 2025

Dates and Venue

23 - 24 April 2025 | ExCeL London

23 - 24 April 2025 | ExCeL London

Thrive AI in Action - Transforming Authoring, Upskilling and Knowledge Sharing


Thrive AI in Action - Transforming Authoring, Upskilling and Knowledge Sharing

Thursday 18 April 2024
Bitesize Learning Zone 1

An exclusive, live demo showcasing the latest AI advancements from Thrive. See first-hand how these groundbreaking developments are set to empower your teams like never before. You’ll see:

•    How you and your people can create engaging content faster than ever with Thrive's built-in AI
•     Authoring Tool  
•    Unique ways Thrive are using AI integrations to surface instant answers where your learners
•     are already at - Think WhatsApp and more
•    How AI can empower collaborative learning to support knowledge sharing, coaching and meaningful
•     conversations

Josh Devanny, Chief Sales Officer - Thrive

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