T3S1 - Curiosity
Curiosity: the secret ingredient for a winning L&D strategy
What do curiosity, learning and AI have to do with each other?
Learning and curiosity go hand-in-hand, yet how much are the learning and development practices in our organisations driven by top-down compliance versus bottom-up exploration? In this session we will learn from emerging good practices and reflect on what L&D can do to embrace curiosity in order to better serve the people in their care.
The implications of the changing industrial and digital landscape, and consequently the way people grow and learn, are vast for L&D. L&D leaders and their teams have the opportunity to step up and embrace this concept and reinvent themselves. They can also embark on a journey to mobilize their leaders and employees to improve at curiosity with novel learning solutions.
In this interactive session, we explore what we know about curiosity, what the data shows us, why it is important for the workplace, what the barriers are, and what L&D can do to strengthen and flex their curiosity muscles.
- What science teaches us about curiosity, memory and learning
- The enablers of, and barriers to, curiosity in our workplaces
- What the world’s largest workplace curiosity database tell us about curiosity
- The role of L&D function in orchestrating curiosity at work
- Strategies and hacks to grow (even) better at curiosity