London UK 2025

Dates and Venue

23 - 24 April 2025 | ExCeL London

23 - 24 April 2025 | ExCeL London


  • Inside Learning Technologies e-Magazine Page 16

    Friday 7 February 2020 Mike Byrne
    The good news however is that change is on the horizon, the changing demands of the workforce, coupled with advances in technology, mean there is now a real opportunity for L&D to elevate its position ...
  • Yet it isn’t only the UK NHS that is feeling constraints. The healthcare sector worldwide is financially squeezed to deliver more for less. Learning technologies can help Implementing an LMS can addre ...
  • Inside learning Technologies e-Magazine page 14

    Friday 7 February 2020 Jack Quantrill
    E-learning adopts pedagogical strategies to enhance relevance and retention. Gamification makes training more active and replaces the passive lecture or page-turning format of traditional courses. The ...
  • Inside Learning Technologies e-Magazine Page 13

    Friday 7 February 2020 Nick J Howe
    Advanced adaptive learning Personalisation of workforce training can be accomplished by leveraging the capabilities of advanced adaptive learning, which blends the latest in software algorithms with c ...
  • Inside Learning Technologies e-Magazine Page 12

    Friday 7 February 2020 Matt Powell
    Driving better learning outcomes and ultimately equipping your whole organisation for the future is no easy feat but the market is adapting to help streamline that process. Learning content With so mu ...
  • Inside Learning Technologies e-Magazine Page 11

    Friday 7 February 2020 Liam Butler
    Be a smooth operator A smooth employee onboarding process is one of the best ways to welcome a new employee to the company and start building a foundation for a lasting relationship. Although an emplo ...
  • Applies to all This can apply to anyone. Those who are new to the job market and do not immediately find the job they want and those who have worked for a long time and where the career path or life c ...
  • But, has the candidate downloaded the eBook or will they leave it until the start of the course before taking any action? This sounds like an issue but your choice of eBook provider can overcome this. ...
  • Inside Learning Technologies e-Magazine Page 8

    Friday 7 February 2020 Paul van den Hurk
    What do they really want? What do they expect from employers? How do they feel about their jobs? What’s their work ethic? And how loyal are they, exactly? Millennials are motivated and inspired If you ...

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